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Photo Credit: Marc Howes

You Have Reached the Vermont Chapter of Views and Brews

The purpose of this site is for hikers, beer lovers, or a combination of the two to enjoy the fine peaks and pubs the Green Mountain State has to offer. Grab the list, your boots, an unwhetted thirst, and go have fun.

The rules of this endeavor are fairly simple. Visit the Brewpub and the hike within 48 hours of each other. To earn the Patch, visit 26 or more of the pubs and hikes listed (as of 7/10/24). If a hike does not have a clear start and finish and is not indicated on the list, as with some State Parks and other trail systems, hike a minimum of one mile on the trail of your choosing. Remember though, this is about Views and Brews. Strive to incorporate both into your adventures. Two last rules: Have fun and be responsible.

Also, be sure to join on Facebook and tell us and others of your experiences.

Below are links to the list, the Views and Brews site forum, and links of interest (don't forget to check out the Vermont Brewers Association and their yearly Brewfest).

Google Maps!
Form to fill out when you are done

About the Author: 'Pamola'

Pamola created this page in March of 2007 with the friendly go-ahead of Tom and Dawn, to whom he tips his cap. He grew up in Maine, went to college in New Hampshire, now lives in Vermont. He has completed the New England 4000 footers and is dabbling in a few other lists. He has also spent some time as a professional brewer.

The Patch cost is $5.00.  You can pay via PayPal.  The Paypal address is the same as the email address below. Make sure you put the information requested on the form in the comments section, and (e)mail us the completed List. The form link is above.

Tom Rankin is a retired Software Engineer who worked for IBM.  He enjoys astronomy, photography, hiking, and of course, good beer!