Views and Brews West Virginia

The Hiking & Brewpub Home Page

A Challenge for those who love Hiking and Fine Beer!

LIST  - List of Hikes and Brew Pubs 
Google Map for West Virginia Brew pubs
LINKS  - Link to hiking and drinking relates sites
FORM  - Form to fill out when you're done
Finishers - The list of those who have completed the list!
We're on Facebook
15 Minutes - Articles about us
History - How we got started

Get the Patch!

Our Patch is given to people who have visited at least 16 of the Brewpubs in this state, tried at least one of their beers, and hiked/walked to the local attraction listed for that Brewpub.  To qualify, you must visit the nearby brewpub in the same 48 hour period as you do the associated hike. So, for instance, you can do the hike Saturday and visit the Brewpub Sunday. Or, you can go to the Brewpub Friday night and do the hike the next afternoon.  But remember, drink responsibly! 

Here is our List of Brewpubs (as of 2/12/24), and the Hike/Walk needed to complete each step in your journey.  It's updated as changes are needed.  If you have a hike you like near one of the Brewpubs that we haven't designated yet, let us know!  Once you've completed all the stops, you can send us your results, and get this cool Patch:

    Views and Brews Patch

(Ok, or something close to that!). The Patch cost is $5.00.  You can send us a Money Order, Check, or pay via PayPal.  The Paypal address is the same as the email address below.  If you use Paypal, make sure you put the information requested on the form in the comments section, and mail us the completed List.  The form link is above.

For more information,

If you know of other states that are doing this, or want to start one yourself, let us know!

Tom Rankin is a retired Software Engineer who worked for IBM.  He enjoys astronomy, photography, hiking, and of course, good beer!