We love to
hike. We're members of the Catskill
3500 Club, The ADK,
the AMC,
and the NY/NJ
Trail Conference.
Dawn and Tom are friends who have both completed the requirements for
Catskill 3500
Club (in winter as well), the Adirondack 46'ers, the New England 67's,
and the North East
115's. Each of
these accomplishments entitles you to a Patch that you can sew onto
your backpack, show to your friends, etc.
We both love beer too. Speaking of memberships, we are also members of
several different Brewpub clubs. We've also been
judges at Tap
NY for several years. We've volunteered at the Vermont Brewer's Festival too.
day, while we were
sitting around drinking beer with some
hiking friends, right after Tom's final Catskill 3500-Club hike, Dawn
"Hey, there should be a Patch for going to all the Brewpubs in New
York State, and doing a hike somewhere nearby!" Tom took the ball and ran with it. So, that's
how we
got started.
Dawn Hamilton is a retired IBM'er who
loves to travel and hike.
Tom Rankin is a retired Software
Engineer who worked for IBM and lives in Bloomville, NY. He enjoys
astronomy, photography, hiking, and of course - good beer!